Quotes Archive


The will to win, the desire to succeed,

the urge to reach your full potential...

these are the keys that will

unlock the door to personal excellence. 




Good, better, best. Never let it rest.

'Til your good is better and your better is best.

St. Jerome

It doesn't matter whether you are

pursuing success in business, sports,

the arts, or life in general:

The bridge between wishing

and accomplishing is discipline.

-Harvey Mackay



“Things turn out best for those who make

the best of the way things turn out.”

-John Wooden, Basketball


“Failure is only the opportunity

to begin again more intelligently.”

Henry Ford

“The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

Vince Lombardi, American Football

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance; rather than teaching them, it’s helping them learn.”
-Sir John Whitmore

“As with any new skill, attitude, style, or belief, adopting a coaching ethos requires commitment, practice, and some time before it flows naturally and its effectiveness is optimized.” 

― John Whitmore


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